Candace Polow
Clinical Director
Candace received her Bachelor’s degree in speech-language pathology from the University of Maryland and her Master’s degree in communication from Emerson College. Candace received a second Master’s degree in speech-language pathology from Western Kentucky University.
Candace developed the Suburban Speech Center Preschool Outreach Program which received “Program of the Year Award” from the New Jersey Speech Language Hearing Association for its outstanding services. Candace collaborates with nursery school directors, teachers, and parents in order to best meet the needs of each child.
In 2019, Candace launched the Suburban Speech Center Early Speech-Language Intervention Protocol in response to the increased need for evaluation and treatment of children as young as 14 months of age.
Candace coordinates the Suburban Speech Center Reading Readiness Therapy Program. This program includes identifying and treating children who are at risk for reading delays. The Center is certified in Phonographix and incorporates aspects of other literacy programs in its comprehensive approach.
Candace coordinates the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) program to ensure the maintenance of quality, research-based therapy programs at the Center.
Candace ensures that the Suburban Speech Center adheres to OSHA’s standards of Best Practices for a Safe and Healthful Work Environment to ensure the safety of all staff, children, and families receiving services at the Center.
Candace has extensive experience evaluating and treating children with auditory processing disorders, listening challenges and pre-reading delays. She also specializes in treating children with articulation disorders, oral motor disorders, and receptive-expressive language disorders.
Candace joined Suburban Speech Center in 2002.
Licensed Speech-Language Pathologists
Click on each speech-language pathologist to learn more
Dr. Renee Lopardo-Taveras
Lois Kam Heymann
Nancy R. Kaufman
Executive Assistant
Jennifer Merola